The main advantage of the vacuum pneumatic butterfly valve, simple structure, small size, light weight, low cost, pneumatic butterfly This feature was particularly notable, installed in a high vacuum line. Fluid resistance is small, while the large-diameter pneumatic valve fully open and effective flow of larger, open and close rapidly effort, pull the disc rotation angle of 90 to complete the opening and closing, due to the media on both sides of the shaft butterfly wrench force nearly equal, and the torque generated by the opposite direction, so the smaller opening and closing torque, low pressure can achieve a good seal, valve seal materials NBR, Viton, edible rubber, PTFE lining so good sealing performance, which is a soft seal butterfly advantages hard heavy metal sheets stacked with a metal seal and a resilient seal, both at low temperatures have excellent sealing properties.
Imported pneumatic vacuum features:
1, small, lightweight, easy installation and maintenance, and can be mounted in any position.
2, the structure is simple, compact, low operating torque, 90 ° swing open quickly.
3, the flow characteristics of linear trend, regulated performance.
4, the disc-free connection with the stem pin structure, it is possible to overcome the internal leaks.
5, using the spherical shape of the outer disc, improved sealing performance and extend the life of the valve, with pressure hoist more than 50,000 times remain zero leakage.
6, the seals can be replaced, and achieve bi-directional sealing reliable sealing.
7, the disc can be sprayed coatings based on user requirements, such as nylon or PTFE classes.
8, the valve can be designed into flanged and wafer.
9, drive optional manual, electric or pneumatic.
■Orsen Pneumatic High Vacuum Butterfly Valve
■Orsen pneumatic high vacuum butterfly valve uses solenoid directional valve to change the direction of air passage, and controls the actuating cylinder to drive the butterfly valve opened and closed. It is used to put through or cut off the airflow in vacuum pileline. Applicable medium can be pure air and noncorrosive gases. They may be fitted with signal feedback device and electropneumatic valve positioner.
適用范圍:Applicability 105~1.3×10-4Pa
閥門漏率:Valve Leak Rate ≤1.3×10-4Pa.L/S.
適用溫度:Applicable Temperature
氣源壓力:Mains Voltage 0.4~0.6MPa
安裝方向:Mounting Direction 任意
德國ORSEN奧爾申進口真空球閥以獨特的設計特點、精湛的制造工藝和近乎完美的運行可靠性已在全世界60多個國家和地區贏得了市場與聲譽。產品質量通過了德國燃氣與供水工程聯合會、SVTW瑞士燃氣與供水工程聯合會、KIJH奧地利燃氣與供水工程聯合會、LIKJ德國技術檢測委員會、Lloyd’s等。Germany ORSEN Orr Shen imported vacuum valve with unique design features, superb workmanship and near-perfect reliability has earned a reputation in the world market with more than 60 countries and regions. Product quality by the German Gas and Water Works Association, SVTW Swiss Gas and Water Works Association, KIJH Austrian Federation of gas and water supply projects, LIKJ German detect Committee, Lloyd's and so on. For information, please access imported vacuum valve (http://www.bj-valve.net) the URL. For the price of imported vacuum valve, please call (Contact: Wang Shuo 010-57165677 Fax: 010-89292114) the call.