蒸汽截止閥(stop valve,Globe Valve)的啟閉件是塞形的閥瓣,密封上面呈平面或海錐面,閥瓣沿閥座的中心線作直線運動。閥桿的運動形式,(通用名稱:暗桿),也有升降旋轉桿式可用于控制空氣、水、蒸汽、各種腐蝕性介質、泥漿、油品、液態金屬和放射性介質等各種類型流體的流動。因此,這種類型的截流截止閥閥門非常適合作為切斷或調節以及節流用。由于該類閥門的閥桿開啟或關閉行程相對較短,而且具有非?煽康那袛喙δ埽钟捎陂y座通口的變化與閥瓣的行程成正比例關系,非常適合于對流量的調節。此閥是德國先進機械技術,采用雙層波紋管設計,焊于閥桿保持穩定的運行性能,避免由于閥塞振動引起閥桿振動。在高溫情況下,閥桿不與介質接觸,確保閥桿零泄漏。同時保證足夠的強度和韌性,可以開關上萬次。手輪采用人體工程學設計,使用壽命更長,操作輕松便捷。蒸汽截止閥的啟閉件是塞形的閥瓣,密封面呈平面或錐面,閥瓣沿流體的中心線作直線運動,也叫截門,是使用最廣泛的一種閥門,它之所以廣受歡迎,是由于開閉過程中密封面之間摩擦力小,比較耐用,開啟高度不大,制造容易,維修方便,不僅適用于中低壓,而且適用于高壓。廣泛適用于食品、醫藥、石油、化工、天然氣、鋼鐵、環保、造紙等輸送管路中做介質切斷或流通。
進口蒸汽截止閥 - 優點
進口蒸汽截止閥 - 參數
公稱壓力或壓力級:PN1.0-16.0MPa、ANSI CLASS 150-900、JIS10-20K
公稱通徑或口徑:DN10~500、NPS 1/2 ~36"
Imported steam stop valve
Steam stop valve (stop valve, Globe Valve) opening and closing parts are plug-shaped valve, seal or sea centerline plane was above the cone, the valve seat along a straight line. Stem form of exercise, (generic name: dark bar), but also lift rotating rod can be used to control air, water, steam, corrosive media, mud, oil, liquid metals and radioactive fluids and other types of media flow. Therefore, this type of shut-off valve shut-off valve is very suitable as cut or regulation and throttle use. As such the valve stem to open or close the relatively short trip, but also has a very reliable cutting function, but also due to travel proportional to changes in the valve seat and the valve port valve is very suitable for flow regulation. This valve is Germany advanced mechanical technology, using double bellows design, welded to the valve stem to maintain a stable operating performance, avoid the vibration caused by the valve plug stem vibration. At high temperatures, the stem is not in contact with the media to ensure zero leakage valve stem. While ensuring sufficient strength and toughness, can be thousands of times the switch. Ergonomically designed hand wheel, longer life, easy and convenient operation. Steam stop valve opening and closing parts of the plug-shaped valve, leaving it flat or cone seal, fluid along the centerline of the valve in a straight line, also known as the cross-sectional doors, is the most widely used as a valve that reason popularity is due to the process of opening and closing between the sealing surface friction is small, more durable, opening height is not easy to manufacture, easy maintenance, not only for low pressure, and is suitable for high pressure. Widely used in food, medicine, petroleum, chemical, natural gas, steel, environmental protection, paper and other media to do the transfer line cut or circulation.
Imported steam stop valve - Benefits
(1) steam stop valve structure simpler than the gate, manufacturing and maintenance are more convenient.
(2) sealing surface easy to wear and abrasion, sealing, and no relative sliding between the valve and valve sealing surface when opening and closing, and thus wear and scratches are not serious, good sealing performance and long service life.
(3) When opening and closing, the valve stroke is small, and therefore smaller than the height of the valve shut-off valves, but the structure is longer than the length of the gate.
(4) opening and closing torque, relatively effortless opening and closing, opening and closing time of the principal.
(5) fluid resistance, due to the valve body media path more tortuous, large fluid resistance, power consumption.
(6) Nominal medium flow direction PN≤16MPa, generally used downstream, upstream from the media under the direction of the valve; when nominal PN≥20MPa, generally countercurrent, media orientation downstream from the valve. To increase the seal performance. When used, the cut-off valve medium can only flow in one direction, you can not change the direction of flow.
(7) when fully open valve is often affected by erosion. Stem and seat sealing surface perpendicular to the axis of the steam shut-off valve. Stem to open or close the relatively short trip, and have very reliable cutting action, making this valve is suitable for medium cut or regulation and throttle use.
Imported steam stop valve - parameters
Nominal or pressure level: PN1.0-16.0MPa, ANSI CLASS 150-900, JIS10-20K
Nominal diameter or diameter: DN10 ~ 500, NPS 1/2 ~ 36 "
Connection: flange, welded, threaded
Temperature: -196 ℃ ~ 700 ℃
Drive: pneumatic, electric, hydraulic, gas-liquid interaction
Body material: WCB, ZG1Cr18Ni9Ti, ZG1Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti, CF8 (304), CF3 (304L), CF8M (316), CF3M (316L), Ti.
Brand Origin: Germany Orsen Orr Shen
Germany Orr Shen (ORSEN) International Group was established in 1953, the company has a strong design team to develop a fluid control products lead the new trend in Europe. After 50 years of development, Orr Shen (ORSEN) has become Germany, Europe and the world's most famous brand of fluid control. Shanghai International Group by the German Orr (GER ORSEN INTERNATIONAL GROUP) authorization and Beijing Huatai Hui Valve Co., Ltd. for the German ORSEN International Group (GER ORSEN INTERNATIONAL GROUP) in Beijing, China agent, is responsible for the promotion of China in Beijing, service and sales. Please login website: http: //www.bj-valve.net/product/detail/1066.html Selection Tel: 010-57165677 Huatai Hui URL: http: //www.bj-valve.net/ Sales Manager: Wang Master Mobile: 13718983583 |