德國進口手動閘閥閘閥(gate valve)的啟閉件是閘板,閘板的運動方向與流體方向相垂直,閘閥只能作全開和全關 , 不能作調節和節流。閘板有兩個密封面 , 最常用的模式閘板閥的兩個密封面形成楔形、楔形角隨閥門參數而異 , 通常為 50, 介質溫度不高時為 2°52' 。楔式閘閥的閘板可以做成一個整 體,叫做剛性閘板;也可以做成能產生微量變形的閘板 , 以改善其工藝性 , 彌補密封面角度在加工過程中產生的偏差 , 這種閘板叫做彈性閘板。進口手動閘板隨閥桿一起作直線運動的,叫升降桿閘閥 ( 亦叫明桿閘閥)。通常在升降桿上 有梯形螺紋,通過閥門頂端的螺母以及閥體上的導槽,將旋轉運動變為直線運動 , 也就是將操作轉矩變為操作推力。開啟閥門時,當閘板提升高度等于閥門通徑的1:1倍時,流體的通道完全暢通,但在運行時,此位置是無法監視的。實際使用時,是以閥桿的頂點作為標志,即開不動的位置,作為它的全開位置。為考慮溫度變化出現鎖死現象 , 通常在開到頂點位置上 , 再倒回 1/2-1圈 , 作為全開閥門的位置。因此 , 閥門的全開位置,按閘板的位置(即行程〉來確定。有的閘閥 , 閥桿設在閘板上,手輪轉動帶動閥桿轉動 , 而使閘板提升 , 這種閥門叫做旋轉桿閘閥或叫暗桿閘閥。
German import manual valve gate (gate valve) is the gate opening and closing parts, the direction of movement of the fluid direction perpendicular to the gate, gate can only be fully open and fully closed, can not be adjusted and the throttle. Ram has two sealing surface, the two most common mode of sealing surface to form a wedge gate valve, wedge angle with the valve parameters vary, usually 50, the medium temperature is not high for 2 ° 52 '. Wedge gate valve can be made into a whole, called the rigid gate; can also be made to produce small quantities of deformation gate in order to improve its process, to make up the sealing surface angle deviations arising during processing, this gate board called the flexible gate. Imported manual gate together with the stem for linear movement, called the lift rod valve (also called clear shot valve). Often movements are trapezoidal threaded rod through the top of the valve guides and valve nut on the rotary motion into linear motion, which is the operating torque thrust into action. Open the valve, when the gate valve lift height equal to the diameter of the 1: 1 times, the fluid channel is completely smooth, but at run time, this position is not monitored. Actual use, is the apex of the stem as a sign that the fixed position, as its fully open position. Temperature appears to consider locking phenomenon, usually open to the vertex position, and then rewind 1 / 2-1 circle, as the position of the valve fully open. Therefore, the fully open position of the valve, according to gate position (ie, travel> to determine. Some valve stem located at the gate, handwheel drive stem rotation, leaving the gate to upgrade, this valve is called rotating rod valve or valve called the dark bar.
2、雙閘板閘閥應垂直安裝(即閥桿處于垂直位置 , 手輪在頂部 )。
3、帶有旁通閥的閘閥在開啟前應先打開旁通閥(以平衡進出口的壓差及減小開啟力 )。
德國奧爾申閥門集團作為世界公認的工業流體控制專家,擁有100年歷史。以一流的研發和生產中心,覆蓋全球的銷售和服務網絡,卓越的品質和資源優勢,得到國際上許多石化、電力、冶金用戶的認同。ORSEN相信中國,也在努力獲得中國的認同。在這里,他們把用戶滿意當作努力目標,為用戶提供全面、周到、妥善的方案為宗旨。 如您需進口高溫高壓閘閥資料請登入:http://www.bj-valve.net 訂購&選型電話:010-89292114 13718983583 聯系人:王碩 公司:北京華泰輝閥門有限公司-德國ORSEN奧爾申中國一級代理。 |